What is your posting schedule? 

Every Monday a new post should be up sometime in the afternoon. Posts alternate between reviews (which may be classic or current, overrated or underrated, etc) and whatever I feel like writing. This may be my ranting, cynical opinion on a subject, discuss current news, something of that nature. 


What determines what you review?

My reviews are pretty much determined by weather or not I'm interested enough in a film/album to set some time to properly digest it. However, if my thoughts can be summed up in a tweet, I won't bother to write a whole review. So, excitement pretty much determines what I review.


Why do you make overrated/underrated articles? Are you trying to get views?

Believe me when I say I don't write the overrated/underrated articles just to get under everyone's skin. When I hear a movie/album receive nothing but praise, but find it has glaring issues, I just want to point them out, because the listener/viewer deserves a level of quality. On the other hand, when I see a certain album/movie get nothing but hate, I wonder why that is, and try to see if that hate is deserved. I'm just trying to make an objective analysis of a certain work of art that has reached a certain status in our collective minds as one particular level of quality that shouldn't be questioned.


Will you ever do video game reviews?

No. Simply put, video games, fun as they are, are too expensive and too time consuming to consider working into my review schedule.


Is there anything you will not review?

Only things I feel I have no business reviewing. I don't like rap for example, and until I find a reason to like rap, I feel I can't give an honest review for any rap albums because of both preference and level of knowledge. 


Can I request a review?

Sure you can. I try to fulfill requests as often as possible. You can request stuff to review or just recommend stuff via my tumblr or twitter.